Number of articles: 13

On the Feast of Corpus Christi (audio)

A homily given by Saint Josemaría on 28 May 1964, the feast of Corpus Christi, and published in "Christ is Passing By."

Fostering Interior Life

My Skin Became Completely Clear

I wish to testify to a healing I received while making a novena to St Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies

"Sowers of Peace and Joy": The Charism of Opus Dei in St. Josemaría's Words

This short video brings together some features of the charism of Opus Dei as explained by St. Josemaría: doing everything out of love, understanding all people, praying for the Church and the Pope, sharing one vocation, being a family, imitating Jesus Christ, being a temple of the Blessed Trinity wherever we are, and sanctifying work.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Teacher of Cheerfulness

Interview with Fr Jose Luis Soria about St Josemaría.

Personal testimonies

Seven Ways to Get to Know St. Josemaría Better

St. Josemaría was born on 9 January 1902 in Barbastro, Spain. Here are a variety of resources to get to know his life and works better.


Trending Souvenirs for Funerals

Laura narrates her experience in sharing books as souvenirs for the guests to funerals and especially the occasion when she distributed 800 copies of The Way.

Personal testimonies

"Discover St Josemaria" Virtual Conference

This year virtual conference on St. Josemaria Escriva is aimed at exploring practical ways of improving family life, and how each person in a family can strive towards personal holiness amidst the current moral, economic and social challenges.

Saint Josemaría

The Eucharist, Mystery of Faith and Love, a Holy Thursday homily by St Josemaria (Text and Audio)

On 14 April 1960, Thursday of Holy Week, St Josemaría gave a beautiful homily about the Holy Eucharist which has since been published both singly and in the collection 'Christ is Passing By'. St Josemaría's reflections on the prayers of the Mass then in common use show the depth of his own love for the Eucharist. Here we present the full text of the homily and audio .


Christ's Presence in Christians, an Easter Sunday Homily by St. Josemaria Escriva (With Text and Audio)

Christ's presence in Christians is a homily given by St Josemaria Escriva on Easter day of 1967. He reflects on the great truth which fills our faith with meaning. Jesus, who died on the cross, has risen. He has triumphed over death; he has overcome sorrow, anguish and the power of darkness.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (with audio)

A homily by Saint Josemaria published in "Christ is Passing By," given on the feast of Christ the King, November 22, 1970. A new downloadable audio version of the homily is available.

Saint Josemaría