Number of articles: 113

"The Psalter is a tremendous school"

In his 21 October general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer, focusing again on the book of Psalms.

From the Church and the Pope

"Your Face, Lord, Do I Seek": Faith in a Personal God

What does it mean that God is a “person” who has a face? A new article in the series "Light of Faith."

Fostering Interior Life

"In the Psalms we learn the language of prayer"

Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer in his 14 October general audience. The Book of Psalms teaches us how to pray through the experience of dialogue with God.

From the Church and the Pope

Elijah: God's Purifying Fire

In his 7 October general audience, Pope Francis resumed his catechesis on prayer, speaking about the prophet Elijah.

From the Church and the Pope

Saint Raphael Meditation: "If you knew the gift of God"

A meditation (guided prayer) on the need to foster wonder at God's grandeur and presence in our life.​

Fostering Interior Life

To Know Him and To Know Yourself (IX): Fear Not, I Am With You

In our life of prayer, difficulties and moments of darkness may arise. But we should have the certainty that God is especially close to us then.

Fostering Interior Life

To Know Him and To Know Yourself (VIII): At the Right Time

"We need to remember the beautiful, great things that God has done for each of us, since a prayer of remembrance does a lot of good for a Christian heart."

Fostering Interior Life

July Recollection Kit (2020)

Who said you can't spend a few hours in quiet prayer in your own home? Even if you are not with other people, these materials can help you to "recollect" for a few hours wherever you are.

Fostering Interior Life

"Are we protecting our unity in the Church with prayer?"

On 29 June, in his homily for the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Pope Francis stressed the importance of unity in the Church.

From the Church and the Pope

The Stronger Faith We All Need

To strengthen our spiritual life during this global crisis, here are some resources that could help. Check back for daily updates.

Christian Life