Number of articles: 4679

Good Son, Good Father

"When a good person we love passes away, a thousand memories flood our heart." An article on the impact of the death of Bishop Javier Echevarría in the hearts of so many people.

Recent News

The Doorway of Humility

God made Himself small, so that we might become great with the only true greatness: humility of heart. An article by Guillaume Derville on Christian life.

Fostering Interior Life

25th World Day of the Sick

On February 11, the 25th World Day of the Sick will be celebrated by the Church throughout the world and in a special way at Lourdes. Here is the homily Pope Francis gave at the Jubilee for the Sick last June about the meaning of suffering in Christian life.

From the Church and the Pope

"Now I'm in love with nursing again"

Adaeze trained as an orthopedic nurse in Nigeria. After finishing nursing school in 2012 she found herself working as an assisting nurse in a clinic in Enugu State, Eastern Nigeria. The working conditions were bad.

Personal testimonies

Letter from the Prelate (31 January 2017)

First pastoral letter of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz for the faithful of the prelature of Opus Dei.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Serene Attentiveness: the Spiritual Works of Mercy

The spiritual works of mercy seek to provide for the many different ways the human heart experiences hunger and thirst, nakedness and helplessness, sickness and imprisonment: types of spiritual poverty we all suffer from.

Fostering Interior Life

Prelate of Opus Dei Names Central Advisory

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, the new Prelate of Opus Dei, has named the members of the Central Advisory that, together with the general Council, assists in the pastoral government of the prelature

Recent News

Who Was Isidoro Zorzano?

A brief video summary of the life of Isidoro Zorzano, declared Venerable by Pope Francis on December 21, 2016.


"Nurture hope, not fear"

On January 24, in his message for the 51st World Communications Day, Pope Francis called for "an open and creative style of communication that never seeks to glamorize evil but instead to concentrate on solutions."

Recent News

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz Names Opus Dei’s General Council

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, the new Prelate of Opus Dei, has named the members of the General Council that, together with the Central Advisory, assists him in the pastoral government of the prelature.

Recent News