Number of articles: 4634

St. Josemaría and Opus Dei: Serving the Church

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

Some Features of the Spirit of Opus Dei

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

Priests and the message of Opus Dei

The aim of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross is to promote the sanctity of the secular clergy according to the spirit and ascetical practice of Opus Dei.

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

The Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

Requirements and Incorporation

Priests incardinated in various dioceses (and deacons who expressly declare their intention to go on to the priesthood) can ask for admission to the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross as Associates or Supernumeraries.

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

"Pray intensely to the Holy Spirit"

On February 24, Pope Francis made public a letter to families asking them to pray for the upcoming October meeting of the Synod of Bishops, dedicated to “pastoral challenges to the family in the context of evangelization.”

From the Church and the Pope

Students help rebuild cyclone damaged Vuaki

Just prior to Christmas 2012, a strong cyclone tore through Samoa and Fiji. In the small village of Vuaki in the Yasawa island group of Fiji, no lives were lost, but many houses and livelihoods were destroyed after a 24-hour ordeal. A group of 22 Australians and New Zealanders saved up and pitched in to fund three new houses, and went there to help build them.

Social initiatives

St. Josemaria is our family's intercessor

Video. An Overseas Filipino Worker narrates how devotion to St. Josemaria has helped him during his 10 years in Saudi Arabia and how St. Josemaria continues to provide for his family's needs.


Devotion to our Lady

"Jesus can't say no to his Mother," insisted Bishop Alvaro del Portillo, in a get-together in Boston in 1988.



In a get-together with many thousands of people in Madrid in 1993, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo stressed the importance of living the virtue of poverty and learning how to say "no" to ourselves.
