Lexington College: the Joy of Serving

Mary Hunt, new academic dean, explains the value of a personalized education in Lexington's Hospitality Management degree. Includes recent video with student testimonies.

Mary Hunt, academic dean of Lexington College

See the new Lexington College video here .

CHICAGO, Nov. 17, 2008 - Hospitality Management is a field focused on serving the basic needs of the person. Students who choose to work in any area of Hospitality Management are interested in making others happy through creating attractive environments that facilitate work and relaxation, good food, and offering safe and comfortable lodging that enables guests to be productive in their work, enjoy their leisure time or celebrate life events. To hear how some of our current students discovered their love of hospitality, see our new video at www.lexingtoncollege.edu.

A holistic education enables our students to focus on the needs of others in their future careers. Taking care of people requires more than having technical skills or following recommended management practices. Consequently, Lexington offers a comprehensive curriculum that develops the intellectual, cultural, and technical capacities that students need to be effective in the hospitality field and in their personal lives. Course offerings in philosophy, theology and ethics, humanities and social sciences, give Lexington students an opportunity to truly understand themselves and those they will serve in the future, complementing the rest of their career-oriented classes.

Lexington’s small class sizes allow faculty to focus on the needs of individual students. In this environment faculty are able to listen and respond to students’ interests and encourage active participation. Students regularly bring their life experiences to enrich classroom discussions. The close working relationship among all faculty enables us to develop educational approaches that complement coursework across disciplines. This helps students to integrate their education and understand it and the bigger context of their lives and goals.

The advising program is an essential part of Lexington's personalized educational approach. Each student has an advisor for academic issues, as well as personal and professional concerns. Through frequent individual meetings, advisers strive to instill in their students a desire for academic and professional improvement, foster growth in virtue and cultivate a vibrant spirit of service. Advisors play an important role in helping students integrate their academic, personal, family and professional life goals. All of this is part of educating the "whole person", an ideal that is core to Lexington's Christian identity and mission.

Lexington College is a corporate work of Opus Dei. Its philosophy of education is inspired by the social teachings of the Catholic Church. This component completes the holistic approach that we aim to give our educational programs, and prepares our students to appreciate the human and spiritual dignity of serving people in the field of Hospitality Management. Lexington aspires to be a leader in this field through preparing competent women who make a difference in society.

For more information about Lexington, contact: www.lexingtoncollege.edu